Connecting. Growing. Leading.
Summer Excitement is a summer youth camp for 8th through 12th graders that utilizes small groups in which to connect, grow, and lead students closer to Jesus.
Join us next June for SE 2025!
Summer Excitement is serious fun!
Our daily schedule includes getting to know other Christian young people, interactive teaching, wild and crazy games, and dynamic worship. Through a mix of various experiences, students are drawn closer to Christ and to others.
"Worship at Summer Excitement has been my favorite time since I was a little kid. I've never felt the Spirit move like I have during Rainbow Celebration."

"Summer Excitement is the one place I go where I NEVER feel alone or like I am a bad person. I am surrounded by love - unconditionally. I will always go."

"Family Times are my favorite part about Summer Excitement. I love the quality time spent developing new relationships as well as seeing God from different points of view."

"Summer Excitement is by far the best community that I've ever been a part of. Through this camp I have created some of the strongest bonds and know I can count on everybody there. 10/10 Recommend"

"Ten years after my last Summer Excitement, as a student, and I still have a community that will be there by my side at a monent's notice to comfort me or celebrate with me. There's nothing like it to have friends across the state and country that I can love and support."

"Summer Excitement is the best week of my year - having attended my entire life, SE more than anything else has shaped me as a Christian and as a leader. Through teaching times and Rainbow Celebration (worship) I have grown in my walk with Christ. Through sports and wild-n-crazy I have gained a community of encouraging and passionate friends."


Students consider, discuss, and apply Christ-centered concepts.
Students laugh, sweat, and cheer while playing a variety of sports and wild-n-crazy games.

Students sing, pray, and consider a Christ-centered lesson.
Small Group Experiences
Students engage in activities and discussions designed to promote spiritual growth in individuals and trust in peers. Small groups are fundamental to achieving our goals of connecting, growing and leading teens to Jesus.